Gantt chart
A Gantt chart is a visual representation of project schedule information. The most common way of a Gantt chart is on the left side, a list of project phases, deliverables, work packages, activities, and events. On the top, is a time scale. The work is then allocated to a period. A bar will show representing the time the task will last (the bar starts at the task beginning date and finishes at the task finishing date).
The PM can customize the chart with several things to make the reading easier. For example, use color for each type of task, or the resource allocated to the task. The PM can, also, add colors to distinguish an actual date from an approved date.
Activities have dependencies between them. Simply everything showing those dependencies on the Gantt chart would be very helpful. You can add arrows to show the relationships.
Another form to simply the reading of the chart is to change the color of the bar if the activity is in progress, not started or finished.
You can also add information regarding the resources allocated to each task and the cost of those tasks.
The project manager can add another piece of information to the chart that is related to the critical path. The project manager should distinguish the activities that are on the critical path. These activities are special because they can not be delayed without delaying the project.

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Advantages of the Gantt chart
The Gantt Chart is a clear picture of the project’s objectives throughout time. In other words, the work that the team needs to do and when is visible. It is also a very powerful tool to meet project deadlines.
The Gantt chart is also helpful in monitoring and controlling project progress. Is a very easy way for the project manager can easily see what needs his intervention and when he needs to act. The project manager and other stakeholders can use the Gantt chart, for example, to understand what activities are in progress, what is the start date and finish date of each activity, how long the activity will last, what is the cost of the activity and the project, what resources are used by each activity, which activities depend on each other, what is the current progress, when is expected the project be finished, and so on.
Many people think that the Gantt chart is only helpful during the early stages of the project. However, the Gantt chart is very useful along the interior project life cycle. The Gantt chart can also be useful, for example, to help in the development of preliminary schedules, monitor and control the actual project performance, monitor the performance of each activity, and so on.
Tips to develop a Gantt chart
There are many ways to develop a Gantt chart. Below are some of tips that we think are important to develop a good Gantt chart:
- Divide tasks into groups (phases, deliverables, work packages, events, milestones,…)
- Point out the relation between tasks
- Assign a person or group to each task
- Register resources and allocations of each task
- Everyone has the right to vacations, holidays, and days off, so don’t forget to add it
- Calculate start dates
- Register all relevant information regarding each task. Sometimes something that may not look important can have a huge relevancy during the progress of the project.
When to use the Gantt chart?
The use of the Gantt chart is many times related to the project’s complexity. Is more normal to see a Gantt chart when the project is of moderate or large complexity. The fact that the chart translates the project tasks, activities, events, and so on, in a visual board helps the project manager and other stakeholders to understand the project and its complexity. It will be must easier to see how all parts fit together. It will also help to know when each task can start. Will also be helpful to know what is necessary fo the task to start (for example, another task needs to be completed, or at least also started).
The chart also helps in resource allocation. The project manager has a picture of when and how the resources will be allocated. Then he can move them to make a better allocation, if possible. This will lead to an increase in productivity and maybe time-saving. Finally, the Gantt chart will definitely allow fact-based decisions and to know how the project is progressing and its completion.