Test-driven Development

Test-Driven Development (TDD), or development driven by tests, is an approach where the team develops a product or service in response to tests. In other words, in TDD, tests come before implementation. Consequently, this type of development contrasts with the traditional approach, where the team develops first, and only afterwards creates tests.

Test-driven Development

How Test-Driven Development Works

The core idea of TDD is that the team starts by creating unit tests before developing the product. Developers write tests that demonstrate how the product should function based on the requirements. Then, they develop the product just enough to pass the test and make the necessary adjustments to ensure functionality.

Moreover, TDD follows an iterative approach. The team only modifies the product if a test fails, which helps reduce time, costs, and work duplication. Kent Beck introduced TDD in the 1990s as part of Extreme Programming (XP). As a result, this approach relies on fast and repetitive development cycles, commonly known as “Red-Green-Refactor.” Additionally, teams used TDD alongside other techniques, such as refactoring, to enhance code quality.

How Test-Driven Development Works

The core idea of TDD is that the team starts by creating unit tests before developing the product. Developers write tests that demonstrate how the product should function based on the requirements. Then, they develop the product just enough to pass the test and make the necessary adjustments to ensure functionality.

Moreover, TDD follows an iterative approach. The team only modifies the product if a test fails, which helps reduce time, costs, and work duplication. Kent Beck introduced TDD in the 1990s as part of Extreme Programming (XP). As a result, this approach relies on fast and repetitive development cycles, commonly known as “Red-Green-Refactor.” Additionally, teams used TDD alongside other techniques, such as refactoring, to enhance code quality.

The Test-Driven Development Cycle: "Red-Green-Refactor"

The “Red-Green-Refactor” cycle simplifies the understanding of TDD. Let’s explore each phase in detail:

Red Phase

In this phase, the team creates a test for a behavior that has not yet been implemented. It is called the Red Phase because the test will fail. Naturally, since there is no product yet, failure is expected.

However, this phase can be quite challenging. To address this, developers write the test as if the product already exists. Once the test fails, they define a new test that should work this time. Furthermore, in this phase, the team must focus on what is required rather than assumptions about what might be needed.

Green Phase

At this stage, the team should focus on finding the best solution rather than the best way to implement it. The primary goal is to develop the product just enough to pass the first test. Once the test passes, the team creates another test designed to fail. This iterative process continues, gradually adding components to the product. However, the product does not need to be perfect at this stage—it only needs to work. The refinement occurs in the next phase.

Refactoring Phase

Finally, in this phase, the priority is to improve the product’s development. The team eliminates redundant code and inefficiencies that slow down the product. By refining the code, the product becomes more efficient and maintainable.

Advantages of Test-Driven Development

TDD offers several benefits in product and service development. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Simplified Development – TDD focuses on one small functionality at a time. Writing tests first makes it easier to verify functionality. Following a TDD process leads to modular development, making the product easier to understand, maintain, test, and expand.
  • Increased Flexibility – By using a modular system, TDD facilitates future changes and modifications.
  • Reduced Development Costs – TDD lowers costs because products become easier to maintain and have higher quality, reducing rework and debugging time.
  • Higher Quality – Generally, products developed with TDD have fewer bugs and higher quality, making maintenance easier.
  • Improved Documentation – The test plan serves as clear documentation of how the product should function. By attaching it to the product, the team ensures structured and accessible documentation, simplifying future modifications.

By integrating TDD into the development process, teams can create more reliable, maintainable, and cost-effective products while improving overall efficiency and quality.